Now I will be the first to admit that being thankful for what you do have is what should get you by day to day. But what about the things that you think you deserve based on your hard work and the belief (thru no fault of your own) that if you worked hard then you would reap the rewards of that work...
Well each day I try to live my life based on that. I have had one experience (and that's all I needed) where I had to humble myself and LEARN humility. With that being said, when I hear of others and the jobs they have and salaries to go along with it, that naggin' voice in the back of my head goes...Damn really? Why am I not in a similar position...When will my hard work pay off? I mean I am working on a 3rd degree among other things, so whats the hold up???
But that's when I think about what I do have, and I give thanks! At the end of the day I have to accept that IT JUST ISN'T MY TIME YET....
6 years ago
OMG I know exactly how you feel and its iteresting b/c my pastor preached a message about this on Sunday. He talked about how often you see others and the blessings they get. Often you know they don't work as hard as you or put forth half the effort you do, but they still get blessings while you are still going through trials and tribulations.
Then he went to a passage in Jeremiah 12:1-5 where God says how can you run with the hourses if you are getting weary from the foot men. He talked about how in that time when in battle, the opposing army would send out footmen to their enemies army. Footmen were desiged to weaken and thin out the army. After the army was thinned out and weak they would send the soldiers on horses to finish the job and defeat the army.
Basically meaning that trials and tribulations are a part of your life and they come to test you, to prepare you for future blessings. These are footmen problems. But if you let the little things get you down how will you survive the real challenges in life. God has amazing things planned for your life, blessings that you could never imagine on your own. The closer you get to God's blessings the harder satan tries to take it away from you. You just have to keep moving and keep being thankful and running with the horses.
Accepting things for what they are now and not letting it get you down is the best attitude you can have.
Yeah you are A) comparing yourself to do not know what people had to go through to get where they are. Everyone was not born equal! Some people may not technically be better than you, but God said "this persons been through enough bullshit heres millions of dollars and fame" i.e Keysha Cole...Fantasia...
In life you have to learn to worry about YOU! Nobody else will! Focus your attention in the mirror! Once again advice i will take for my self!
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