Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Rundown...

So I know that I have been missed and quite alot has happened in my life since my last realy post. Prior to my return post some time has passed and I felt that I was going through a transition in my life and it kept me away from my blog. But now I am back with a new sense of my life, a new look, new blog pic, and a better spirit. I WAS REBORN...

So here we go:

1) I explained in very black and educated terms to the white man that I am NOT stupid, will NOT be played as stupid, and you will NOT get me to do the things that you refuse to do. I am far too qualified and intelligent to be the guinea pig scape goat...
2) As a result I no long work for the white man
3) I had my first visit to Kentucky and I LOVED IT. The people, the atmosphere, even the strippers were kind and asked if it was okay to sit on your lap before they jumped on it.
4) I had my very first trip to Texas and I must say I wouldn't mind visiting again.
5) I had plenty of conversations with GOD
6) I tried my hand at being a lawyer, and ended up making the white man turn red in the courtroom...I may have a future in that after all.
7) I have become more open in communication
9) I'm happy
10) Im more honest
11) I try to answer the question asked with the best of my ability
12) I am not feeling school anymore, therefore I am not putting forth my greatest effort
13) I am discussing wedding ideas
14) I love me
15) I am learning me
17) I am a great person
18) I have a new GREAT group of friends...they are like family. The kind I've always wanted.
19) I miss Sheria...I don't feel we are as close as we used to be :-(
20) I've learned that the people I thought were fake...REALLY ARE!
21) I have two new nieces
22) My adopted "kids" are a trip, but I love them
23) I love everything these days
24) Smiles are the happy wrinkles
25) Growth really does happen and it feels good when you can excercise it
26) I've gained weight
27) I'm back in the gym
28) I am having one of the best Christmas seasons I have had in a long time
29) They know how I feel
30) I smile when I look at them...

That is the last 2 months in a nut shell. The 'feenix' is back!


Monday, December 7, 2009

From the heat of the fire...He returns!

In ancient Egyptian mythology and in myths derived from it, the phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird. The phoenix is a male bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in Heliopolis ("the city of the sun" in Greek), located in Egypt. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible - a symbol of fire and divinity.

Life brings many changes, challaenges, emotions, obstacles, people, and experiences. I have been through them all in 2009, but most happened recently. I SURVIVED and have a testimony...

Now that the transition has begun, be on the lookout


"Remember the spirit of the feenix is within" ~feenix

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Worry Sets In...

Good Morning Feenix Magazine Readers...

Today's topic is about worry, more specifically, personal worry.

Now I hate for people to communicate with me in a rushed tone that implies or speaks "emergency". Evermore, I despise when they come with this emergency tone and then refuse to tell you specifics or any details or try and act as if they don't know whats going on. Granted a small few really don't know whats going on, but that's rare.

Unfortunately the staff I currently work with love to do this. I don't get it, and it bothers me because it then becomes an internal battle and my mind begins to play tricks on me. Primarily because I have to come to a conclusion as to what the emergency may be.

First I enter panic mode: In this mode I began to rapidly playback (mentally) all of my actions of the recent past. Even if its not directly my fault. But this comes from the secrecy people display when they run to you with this nonsense.

Once several scenarios, possibilities, etc are reached, I enter strategy mode. How can I get myself out of these presumed emergency situations. Crazy right, but the mind is a complex piece!

Now you know why I despise it so...wrenching!

The latest "emergency" situation:

My director comes to me with this rushed tone and said (insert name) will be here tomorrow around (insert time) and I will try to be here, really try. So I'm like WTF?? So my mind instantly starts going and I can't be 100% sure but I think my director followed that up with "something happened," (insert name) will be going to all the sites... So I asked what happened with this confused tone and look. My director says "I don't know" and then disappears. As I began to process this I realize that I am unclear on a few things so I try to catch my director. When I tell you my director disappeared, I MEAN LITERALLY DISAPPEARED! Car gone and everything. So I am really in panic mode now. WTH????

So all night I try to play back the events of the day and wonder if its a set up and there really is no site wide "emergency" but just their way of blindsiding me. I came to the conclusion that I was being terminated, that I didn't do something right, someone has an issue with me etc etc etc...

Unecessary worry right? ABSOLUTELY!!!! But what else could I do?
I've prayed about it, thought about it, worried about it... But enough is enough!

Yet I still have this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach and in the back of my mind, I see this as doomsday. May Wednesday be good to me!!!

In closing...
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"


Monday, November 2, 2009


Now normally I am soo not a Morning person and I definitely am not very fond of Mondays.

But I don't know, today I am just feeling good and feel like I can tackle anything! I don't know what has gotten into me but I am liking it.

It could be possibly that I had an awesome weekend. Let me be clear, nothing went as expected, but I enjoyed it none-the-less.

Friday I was to attend a b day party as arm candy for a past suitor... The party was highly "publicized" but was whack to def! Where the hell was the food? And the liquor selections, Boo! So we didn't stay very long and then went and had dinner. I got in my car and headed back to the home front.

Saturday I was supposed to find some storage space for my belongings since I am in the process of moving. I went to public storage and she told me 195/month. I said thank you for your time have a great day. WAY'FD. Then I was supposed to go to a football game, tailgate, after party etc. But because of that rain ti didn't happen. I don't do outside activities in the rain! So instead my family and I picked up some pizza (made by the Italians yumm) ransacked my movie collection and chilled out. Sidebar: my niece suckered me into being her chauffeur...that child! Went home and called it a night. Was tired...

Sunday finished homework and GOT IT IN...whew needed that. Slept like a baby!

Got a new iPod - the new nano with the video camera
Got the iPhone - and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
Had a ball!


Friday, October 30, 2009


Ok it is Friday morning, THANK GOD! And I am determined to not let anything push me over the edge. It has been that kind of week. So before I go on and detail my week, I will start with this...

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

Ok it kind of started last Friday. When I got a call from a professor (Im in education)and she was inquiring about certain technologies available to her. (She started off with this "I'm white so you are going to allow me to talk to you any way I want and do what I want..." tone and I responded with the tone "Don't get it twisted, I'm "white" too and your demands DO NOT supercede mine!) Innocent enough I thought until I reminded her that a MANDATORY and NECESSARY piece of documentation was missing from her "file" which constitutes a violation in the contract. She gets all huffy and tells me why should she have to submit that information. For a second time I state that its REQUIRED! She goes on to say that I am not going to email it and I say that is your choice but it needs to be on file in my office prior to the start of your class. She responds with "well can I fax it?" I say "sure" and I provided her with the fax number. Upon ending the phone call, and because I believe in documentation, I shot her an email detailing our conversation, included fax, email, and contact information, and even pulled an excerpt from the policy that refers to the requested documentation. And if I told you what the document would hit the floor in shock about why/how all this came about from requesting a freakin' syllabus!!!!!!

So Monday arrives and still no document. Fine! I shoot Professor Pain in my Ass, known from this point forward as P.P.I.M.A, an email going back to our Friday conversation and delivering the information that I said I would. She is going to tell me the document is on the internet so go retrieve it. I THINK NOT!! Policy is you submit it, not I go look for it. She calls hours later asking for my director's information. After I identified who the caller was, cuz I just wasn't going to give that up freely, I gave her the information. I had no what you do boo! Shortly thereafter, my outlook sound alert dings letting me know I have an e-mail. Now if you have ever used outlook then you know that if you are not in the email window then a box will pop up with an excerpt of the message. To my not so surprise it was P.P.I.M.A! And she CC'd my director talking about how I was unprofessional, and needed training on using the company computer infrastructure and how other people were able to go and retrieve it with no problems blah blah blah blah. So of course my director calls me with the "whats goin on tone" I explain to him the intracies of this flawed and delicate relationship. Now anyone that knows me knows that there are few things that set me off, I'm talking 0-60, in seconds. 1) spitting on me 2) telling lies on me 3) and fuckin' with my family...But I digress. The email that P.P.I.M.A sent was full of lies about how I didn't contact her and inform her of anything blah blah blah blah. This is where that good "paper trail" comes in. I forwarded everything I sent her to my director. Case closed or so I thought. When I say gump ass muthafukka...I MEAN A GUMP ASS MUTHAFUKKA. He would rather apologize to her and accomodate her rather than tell her that she was wrong for not following policy. But hey I could care less. Cuz once I handed the situation to him, I was done with it. And I told my director that I am not apologizing to her, him, or anyone for something that I did not do. And if he feels an apology will appease her then he needs to be the one to give it. Case Closed! (At least for Tuesday LOL) Here comes Wednesday...Class night. I go in and greet P.P.I.M.A as part of my job duties cuz trust if I had to do it on GP it would not have gotten done. I have NOTHING to say to people like that. Anyhoo, This is what apologizing to a Nazi will get you. She lied on my director too...LOL That's what you get homie!

So I sent her a very kind email yesterday, on purpose, and BCC'd my Director. It had all kinds of warm fuzzies included, and addressed the issue without an apology being given. You know she still responded with attitude, rudeness, and dismay. I'm convinced that she is trying to pull me into some battle that she think she will win. But since I know me and I know that when I am done there will be one man standing I didn't even want to go there. Because I can fix her ass, but at what consequence. There is more, but this is the meat and potatoes...

I really don't know if I should share this next part but after all I went thru this week with needy ass adults, ignorant adults, whiny adults, bullshitting adults, useless adults, and just ass hole adults...this was the comical highlight of it all.
DO PEOPLE REALLY STILL CALL AND ASK HOW YOU KNOW (INSERT NAME) AND WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM. I mean really, it is 2009 quickly approaching 2010 and if you have to call around and call numbers back to find out what your mate is doing, then IS IT REALLY WORTH IT. And newsflash they aren't your partner, mate, lover, girlfriend, or boyfriend if thats how it is going down. But the extra funny part was this...
Actual conversation with edits: Ringtone: How do you expect me to live alone with just me? Cause my world revolves around you its so hard for me to breath, I answer...
caller: "yes can I speak to J
Me: Speaking
Caller: Yes how do you know (insert name)
Me: Stuck like no the fuck you didn't responds "I suggest you ask (insert name) how we know eachother.
Caller: ok imma call you right back
2mins pass...Ringtone: How do you expect me to live alone with just me? Cause my world revolves around its so hard for me to breath,
Me: Hello
Caller: Yes hold on (hits speaker phone)then says "yes (insert name) says its best to ask you how yall know eachother.
Me: (In my head I'm like LMAO you just got played by your own other half cuz it ain't no way in hell my mate is going to tell me some shit like that and I actually call the person back) Okay back to the conversation cuz I missed most of it with my personal thoughts.
Me: Are you done now?
Caller: Yes just stay away from (insert name)
Me: LOL laters!

First off how can you even embarrass yourself like that? I said it once, I will say it again. IF YOU HAVE TO CALL AROUND LOOKING FOR, TRACKING DOWN, OR INQUIRING ABOUT WHO YOUR MATES KNOW ECT...THEN THEY ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING MATE! THEY ARE NOT YOUR LOVER, PARTNER, BOYFRIEND, GIRLFRIEND, ECT...and the sooner you realize that, the better off you will be!

So glad its FRIDAY and this week will be behind me shortly! Then I can go spend some time with Bob M. and Mr. Bombay and his mate Lady Olive!!!! Oh and pick up my I-Phone


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

He Cut His Hair....


I so didn't see this comin'...check it out and share your thoughts in the comment section. Do you even know who this is?

Give you a clue...Jenson Atwood


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am grateful...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that must be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

I am grateful for another day...10/13/2009

I am grateful for having NO damage when that deer jumped in front of my car this morning and my fender taggin' that ass...10/14/2009

I am grateful for being able to talk to my parents on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful that Bambi decided to stay her ass in the forest yesterday...10/15/2009

I am grateful to laugh on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful to be expressive...10/16/2009

I am grateful for memories...10/21/2009

I am grateful for love...10/27/2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning Random Thoughts...

Usually when I have a bunch of stuff in my head, with no cohesion, it becomes time for RANDOM THOUGHTS!

Adult ignorance irritates me

If I send you an email, professionally, READ IT!

Don't send me emails asking questions, that WERE ANSWERED IN THE EMAIL I ALREADY SENT!

Being demanding doesn't really work well with me. If you want me to help you, act like it!

Completed means having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full...So don't submit a form with parts missing and then say you sent me a completed form cuz now I have to call you and cuss your dumb ass out!

Needy adults irritate me

White adults, who fail to realize that I am "White" also, that use that I'm white demanding voice irritates me...

I am just fucking irritated!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I am grateful...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that must be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

I am grateful for another day...10/13/2009

I am grateful for having NO damage when that deer jumped in front of my car this morning and my fender taggin' that ass...10/14/2009

I am grateful for being able to talk to my parents on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful that Bambi decided to stay her ass in the forest yesterday...10/15/2009

I am grateful to laugh on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful to be expressive...10/16/2009

I am grateful for memories...10/21/2009


Monday, October 19, 2009

27 Dresses...

This just makes me want to be in the movie, scene is the bar after the rain. Love that movie!!!!

This song is classic and just gives you a taste of the kind of musically inclined gentle creature that I am...


Heard 'Em All...

Now I know I am not the only one that has heard it time and time and time again. But people fail to realize that Whitney and Deborah said it best..."Same Script, Different Cast" What that means is you are not the original gamer and the words you speak have no originality, so when I tell you I've seen this "movie" before TRUST ME I KNOW HOW IT ENDS. Be creative, make me say hmmmmmmmmmm. Dazzle me, stump me, make me think but most of all be genuine, you would be surprised at the results!!!

Oh and check out Amerie's video...

Heard Em All - Amerie

Friday, October 16, 2009

I am grateful...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that must be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

I am grateful for another day...10/13/2009

I am grateful for having NO damage when that deer jumped in front of my car this morning and my fender taggin' that ass...10/14/2009

I am grateful for being able to talk to my parents on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful that Bambi decided to stay her ass in the forest yesterday...10/15/2009

I am grateful to laugh on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful to be expressive...10/16/2009

So emotional...

I don't know if it is the weather...

I don't know if its my hormones...

Or if it is the deconstruction of the ice tomb I subconsciously built around my emotions...slowly melting away.

But today I am a walking ball of emotions.

I kinda raised my voice and got mad at my mom last night because I felt like she was defending my sister in the argument we had. I feel like I am expected to always be the good guy and to turn the other cheek. (Last I checked I wasn't Linda Blair and this ain't the exorcism so I am running out of cheeks)

But I know when something is really bothering me because I can't stop thinking about it and I have to address it in order to feel better. So in writing the post for my sister this morning I began to cry...and kept crying. These were silent tears but I guess I am just hurt. Are these bottled emotions that I can't explain?

As the rain outside cools and cleanses the earth, the tears inside, flowing out, are cleansing my soul...

Check out the song that was playing while writing this post..Never heard of it, it just showed up in the rotation! Symbolism...

I'm sorry mother...

How do you apologize...

The definition itself implies guilt and admission of fault...
For that I believe is what makes it hard for me to apologize because I don't always feel I am at fault or guilty. Maybe its about interpretation!

This particular subject is important on this rainy Friday because My makidada and I had a heated discussion yesterday that resulted in comments and statements being made that whether true or not were VERY MUCH HURTFUL! At the time I felt I was right in making them and I still believe that they are true but MAYBE THAT WASN'T MY PLACE or MAYBE I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN TRYING TO BE HURTFUL. Whatever the reason that is my sister and I APOLOGIZE...

For whatever the reason we had the disagreement you are still my MAKIDADA and I will always love you and try to make your life better in anyway that I can!

Can you do me one favor? Please stop putting your family down and embrace the good things about them. They will ALWAYS be there for you when no one else will!

Love you,
Baby Brother...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am grateful...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that must be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

I am grateful for another day...10/13/2009

I am grateful for having NO damage when that deer jumped in front of my car this morning and my fender taggin' that ass...10/14/2009

I am grateful for being able to talk to my parents on a daily basis...10/15/2009

I am grateful that bambi decided to stay her ass in the forest yesterday...10/15/2009

I am grateful to laugh on a daily basis...10/15/2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm grateful for...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that must be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

I am grateful for another day...10/13/2009

I am grateful for having NO damage when that deer jumped in front of my car this morning and my fender taggin' that ass...10/14/2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I have to find a new place to live...

So I have to find another place to call home for a while and below are photos of the property I am really interested in...

My current bathroom is bigger than this but OH WELL!
And I don't know how I feel about the toilet being right by the door. Privacy please...




Don't Know Where To Begin...

It's been a couple of days, more like 11 days, since I have really wrote about something going on in my life or my personal thoughts. And even though I have had some good times and laughs and experiences over those 11 days I really don't have anything to write about. Or at least I don't know what to write about.

I have been reading the blogs of some of my other blog buddies and I have just lived vicariously through them and their recent experiences. As open and candid as some of them are, it makes you question your own behavior and analyze ways in which you would have handled the same situation.

You question your cowardice and your courage!

Thank you Blogging community...Each day our strength grows!


Shout out to Fuzzy...holla at me I need to talk to you about something...

I'm grateful for...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that but be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

I am grateful for another day...10/13/2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm grateful for...

I'm grateful for...
This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that but be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

I am grateful for my family...10/08/2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm grateful for...

This will be a daily running of the things that I am grateful for. I got this idea by watching Frankie and Neffe, again shock and awe, and I must say that for all the things that are fundamentally wrong with this show there are some touching moments and moments that but be internalized...

I am grateful for my health...10/07/2009

Things I'm All About Right Now...

Empire State of Mind...Is My Muthafukkin' Jam

Can you make these in a size 13 driving loafer?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Big Sister, Big Sister...Theres NO ONE like my Big Sister!

My Big Sis is amazing in every way and I love her so very much. She always inspires me and i am so very proud and honored to call her my sister...

-She is the 2nd in command after our parents and she is like the cool sister mother who always tries to do right and make us do right but Makidada and I be like whatevs! LOL (Cuz we be dancin' and emphasizn')

My dear Big Sis, you are the greatest there is, And amazing in every way.
I greatly admire and look up to you, Each and every day.

-You strive and you've struggled but you always push forward. I wish sometimes that I had the boots you walk in because you make it...Time and Time again YOU ALWAYS MAKE IT. Sometimes they say being the baby is best but I don't know because as the baby everything is done for you and it takes YEARS for you to do it on your own. But you had to because you are the oldest and the book wasn't written for you like it is for me.

You are always showing how much you care, From your heart that is filled with love.
You are a our personal Angel, Sent from the heavens above.

-Many people say you have a big heart. But you can't help it thats how you were created. You just feel the need to help everyone, even those who clearly don't deserve it. Because of that there is a special place for you in my version of heaven!

Big Sis you are always in my heart & thoughts, And I am always sending you a hug and kiss. You could never be replaced by another...

Always and Forever, your little brother!

*DEAD* and on the floor...

of laughter.... This is why black folks (some) should not be allowed to purchase technology!



Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today's Post...

Is sad and upsetting and somewhat of a tear jerker...

This is our community...I'm ashamed of it!

Derrion Albert, 16-Victim

Suspect 1 & 2

Suspect 3

The FATAL Blow...

Albert being struck again

Unknown participants

No-one had the will to stop him

Mother of suspect 3 - "Ava Johnson, mother of Eugene Riley, who has been charged with beating to death 16-year-old Derrion Albert on Sept. 24, talks to the media as she holds her son photo at Fenger High School in Chicago, Sept. 28, 2009. Johnson said her son is innocent."
Indescribable sadness...

A mother's PAIN...

A child loses her cousin


R.I.P. Derrion Albert...we don't know you, but we know your story!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sick of it...Random Thoughts

I'm sick of niggas being the new bitches...

I'm sick of whiny ass men...

I'm sick of needy ass adults...

I'm sick of embarrassing black people...

I'm sick of black who don't know they are embarrassing...

I'm sick of uneducated people (primarily black)...

I'm sick of racism...

I'm sick of people acting as if they don't know racism still exists...

I'm sick of rude and disrespectful ass black children...

I'm sick of "parents" allowing their kids to be disrespectful and RUDE...

I'm sick of the school system...

I'm sick of the prejudice in the workplace...

I am just sick...



I'm sick of being in love ALONE...

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Lil' Monday Morning Humor...

How I learned to mind my own business:

I was walking past the mental hospital the other day and all the patients were shouting "13....13....13!"

The fence was too high to see over, but I saw a little gap in the planks, so I looked through to see what was going on.....

Some idiot poked me in the eye with a stick!

Then they all started shouting "14....14....14..."


I Tried To Give It To The Lord...

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.

My health...I tried to give it to the Lord
My safety...I tried to give it to the Lord
My finance...I tried to give it to the Lord
My prayers...I tried to give it to the Lord

Now that I have given it all away...LET's SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!


Thursday, September 24, 2009


So I didn't know what to write about today, and ironically it came while watching Frankie and Neffe. (See below post)

I am all for church and religion (whichever and whomever you believe in; personally I think you should have some knowledge of all religions)but what I am not a fan of is pastors that use the pulpit for judging. (sidebar: check the book 'pimps in the pulpit')
We, meaning I, believe that the church is a place of refuge where you can escape from the trials and tribulations of life and enter a place of peace; freedom from stares, judgment, and condemnation.

Pointing fingers, making snide slick remarks, and blatantly calling people out are not actions that are indicative of a person "called upon" to do good for the Lord.

Of course the Bible, written by Man, is open to interpretation. So does that mean you get to pick and choose which parts to interpret? I.E. Homosexuality is a sin...So is fornication and passing judgment. Last I checked no "1" sin is greater than the other. Or my personal favorite, "the bible says you MUST attend church..." No actually the Bible says you are to fellowship with others that believe and follow the word as you do. SO IF I CALL A GROUP OF PEOPLE OVER TO MY HOUSE AND WE FELLOWSHIP, READ, AND FOLLOW THE WORD...THAT IS CHURCH! But I digress...

Back to Frankie and Neffe. They attended a church close to Neffe's home in ATL, and the pastor makes a comment about not bringing Hollywood to church. Immediately, I could see why they had that sour look. It was an insult. Then the pastor went on to say, I would appreciate it if ya'll would stop all that moving around...and then the "congregation" can be heard shouting AMENs! WTF????

Being envious is a sin just as well as the other ones that are written and unspoken!

Now I was not raised completely in the church, but I don't feel you have to be to understand what church is about and the RIGHT and wrong that goes on in the "house", because some shouldn't dare call it the House of the Lord.

"Get your house in order..."


"He woke meeeeee up this morning, I was clothed in my right mind. He did not, let me sleep too late. He woke me up on Time!"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Speaks to your heart, but eases your mind...

As you can see, at the bottom it says send to...
Well I am not a fan of chain letters as many know, so I choose to post it here where an infinite number of people can be put at ease. We all have thought it and we all have experienced it!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Forget The Hot Sauce Chulo...

LMAO! This is my favorite episode of South Park...

Now if you have ever watched this show then you know that they "go" on every race, culture, ethnic group, sexual orientation and career there really is no room for being offended...

Check it out and I hope you laugh the same way I do every time I watch it

Click Jenifer Lopez's Name below to be taken to the episode!

Jenifer Lopez
"You can suck my culo chica..." LMAO



An Indisputable Bond...

Although the words to the game where simple the symbolic meaning was not. In the beginning of the movie we see the sisters running through a field of purple flowers. They proceed to play the game and recite the lyrics, “Me and you, us never part. Makidada. Me and you, us have one heart. Makidada. Ain’t no ocean, ain’t no sea. Makidada. Keep my sister away from me.” These words provide us with a look into the future of the girls. The words represented a bond that would play out all the way through the movie. A bond that kept them together no matter the circumstance.
They promised each other that they would never be apart. They promised each other that no ocean or sea would keep them away from one another. They promised each other that they would always share the same heart. These women went through more then most of us can imagine in their lives and yet, they kept the promises that were made when they were still young girls. They kept the promises made by that childish game. The bond that they shared never broke. “You and me, us never part”

Now I chose to make this my Monday morning topic because my sister is my Makidada. We've been there and we've done that, but in the end we always know that there will never be another like the other. She is programmed in my phone as Sista Ma~ki~dada and that is how we greet eachother. It started as a joke because that is her all time favorite movie. But like the movie, we realized that the meaning was so much more. This is her g-chat status message "just cannot live without my makidada I love you so much, dearly"... That makes me all warm inside!

Her Me

Guess what, I love you dearly as well Makidada.. "ain't no ocean, ain't no sea..."


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Screw Man Down...It's "Race" Down...A Cultural Embarassment!

Case in point...

I mean really? Is this it?

Why can't I turn it off, when I KNOW I SHOULD!
Is this what it feels like to be addicted?

Frankie and Neffe

Click the "Frankie and Neffe" Link!

Awaken Please...

So will black people finally realize that we are NOT equals and we have not arrived as so many seem to think. Yes you have better jobs, but you don't make as much as the other guy with the same job title and less education/experience.

Yes you have a Mercedes Benz but it will NEVER be the same model.

Yes you can move into the fancy neighborhood and buy the big house, but your "other" neighbors really don't want you there!

You were so excited to finally have a black president and they are doing everything they can to tarnish, disrupt, vote against, and criticize the very thing that he was voted in to do...

Now what kills me is that the White House press staff is saying that the President doesn't believe this latest brash of outbursts has anything to do with race...

What do you think?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sunday September 13, 2009...The Final Day!

So when I wake up on Sunday, I am like Damn time to get up already? I had a birthday brunch planned and I had to get ready. Of course I pushed it just a little and left myself just enough time to shower and hit the road! Of course, my sister and dad wanted some cake and WOULD NOT cut it...They insisted that I do it! Cuz I am particular but as I get older somethings just aren't that important and how you cut a cake is one of them. But if you seen the picture below you can understand why they would feel that way. So when I am done cutting what seemed like 1,000 pieces of cake, I could finally get finished getting ready!

Of course I was late!!!!

But luckily the people "sponsoring" the event were proactive and told me one time, when it was actually later. Yayyyy for thinking ahead!

Brunch was divine and I had a ball. It just so happens that the "couple" next to our table was celebrating a birthday as well. It was the guys birthday and his female friend had taken him to brunch! He, the other birthday guy, is 11 years older than I and I guessed 10 years and we all shared laughs and conversation. It was a helluva day and I REALLY REALLY REALLY ENJOYED. And as if I didn't have enough liquor in my system, the brunch came with unlimited Mimosa and Desi, our fantastic waitress, made sure we got unlimited. we got there at 1:30 and from 1:30 to 3:30 we had been drinking...LOL In the voice of Wendy Williams "How you doin'?" LMAO

I went back to the "white house" and took a nap and played with the REAL QUEEN, daughter of Queen Makidada Late, and then prepared to make my exit home. I was supposed to go to the movies but I didn't have it in me!

By this time I just wanted to shower and lay in my bed. Guess you can say:

Happy Birthday To Me...


So it is Saturday morning and I think I went to sleep 4 hours ago. Remember I have a slight case of amnesia and memory lapse. So I go to get out of my bed and my head said "NO! lay back down...slowly" I oblige and lay there thinking how am I going to get rid of this feeling cuz I have so much shit to do today! I get up and pop 2 Excedrin cuz I had a headache that big! (remember the old Excedrin commercials?)and drank some ICE ICE ICE COLD water and took a shot of the "blue stuff" and laid back down. I dozed for a second and when I woke up felt 10 times better. That is one hell of a hangover remedy I created (patent pending niggas) and it has worked time and time again!

I finally get up and look at my place in disarray and decide "it's not going to clean itself..." and I get started. When I am done its time for my shower cuz I have to get moving. We agreed on 8:00am for a start time, I didn't leave my house until well after 1:30pm. That damn "blue stuff"...but its amazing what a hot shower can do! I was ready for the world again! I went to get my sister and fly niece Jazz and we hit the highway. Dad had to get more liquor, mom had to run to the store, we had to get the cake and other supplies and food for the party. LONG DAY AHEAD! We run around and get EVERYTHING we need in one location. Run home pick up clothes and head to the "WHITE HOUSE" this is where the event takes place! We set up and I shower and change. Can't be "TARDY FOR THE PARTY" and we wait for our fashionably late guest to arrive. You have got to love BLACK PEOPLE. Because no one wants to be first to the party, they indirectly give you more time to set up and prepare. And then they all show at once...LMAO, that never ceases to amaze me.

I didn't drink as much and I ate more this time around. But as you know the theme was all about diamonds so we found the diamond encrusted shot glass that I wore around my neck, and every time someone said happy birthday I had to take a shot!

The cake can be seen:

It was elevated on a cake stand and surrounded by 36 vanilla cupcakes!

Food was good, fun was had, and I thoroughly enjoyed this party as well. That one ended around 4am as well! Thanks to all that attended and all that supported. You will be okay with me, at least for another 365!!!!


Chick-fil-A Musta Lost Dey Got Damn Minds!!!!! 9/11/09

Operator Keith Singletary

9121 Alaking Ct
C H, M #####
(3) 324-9515

So let me tell you why I decided to blast one of my favorite restaurants. Now I am a die hard fan of chick-fil-A because they have the bomb fresh breast chicken sandwiches among other things. So for my intimate cocktail party for my birthday I figured they could provide the food.

So being proactive I researched and placed the order on Tuesday September 8, 2009. After running around Friday, early evening, we got to chick-fil-a 15 minutes early. Pick up time was 7:00pm. Now on the way I had been calling and calling and no one answered. We arrive and I seek out the manager to retrieve my order. He goes "...what order..." I instantly hit pissed off! And I am thinking here go some ole Koon shit... So I explain the situation and he says let me go check on it. Fine!
He comes out and says that he doesn't have an order for me so luckily I bought my order with me and the person that took the order. He takes it to the back and I assume gets his staff started on it. Oh now I have to wait for you to put together and entire order that feeds 30+ people? Koon are you crazy? In the midst, he rings up the order that totals $186.56 and I say I have two issues before I render payment, do you want to discuss them here or would you like to step to the side?

Now if you've been to chick-fil-a on a Friday then you know it can be crowded. So I repeat myself because he is looking confused! And I say again, do you want to discuss them here or would you like to step to the side? The customers turn and look at me and then back at him with the expression "what you gonna do, cuz I don't think he is playing..." so the manager says lets step to the side.

Issue #1 you want me to pay for food I haven't seen?
Issue #2 You want me to pay full price for your fuck up!

At this point I am beyond pissed and 5 miles past pisstivity (word?)Now remember I am with 2 of my sisters and we are all time bombs waiting to explode. One is calmer than all, then its me, and the last one is a storm that once gets started you gonna have to ride the wave until its over.

Fast forward to the end, we got our food, some cheesecake (which is actually pretty good) and some extra food, after I had to show part of my natural black ass because you have people in managerial positions who don't know shit about business and customer service. Fuck that...I think I am going to lead a protest of Chick-Fil_A at Steeplechase!

Got me WAY'FD


Friday September 11, 2009...It's MUTHFUKKIN Official! Day 2


It's my muthafukkin day and I didn't do a damn thing that I didn't want too! Ya HEARD!

So I drag myself outta bed kicking and screaming cuz I knew I should have taken off work because after fukkin around with Kels, I needed a mental health day. But I learned a long time ago that you don't take your birthday off because you won't receive the cake and gifts from your co-workers that they surprise you with. You take the day after your birthday off!!!!!

So again I am at my desk making calls and lining up schedules because once the clock strikes 4:00pm it will be CRUNCH TIME! I have to zip down the highway, scoop my sisters, and then begin the errands for the night. Errands include, grocery store, dollar store, liquor store, party store, CHIK-FIL-A (which will have its own blog)and CLEANING MY HOUSE! So much to do so little time because party #1 is scheduled to start at 8:30pm. So I scoop my sisters and we run to the shopping strip close to where they reside and one of my sisters suggest that we split up and knock out as much as we can. Good Idea Sis! I needed to run across the street to get something blue to wear (since that was part of the theme one item of clothing/accessory must be BLUE!) and I decided that I would get a white T-shirt and wear a pair of blue chucks that I already own. But when I walked into the store I seen the ULTIMATE BLUE accessory in a pair of NIKES. Now everyone knows that I am a shoe and sneaker freak so what would make this episode any different. They were a pair of just released Nike Blazers with Scuba Blue Suede and Royal Blue sole and checker patterns with a white Nike sign...Needless to say I had my something Blue and a Birthday gift to myself!!!!

I fast forward to finally getting home and deciding how we are going to tackle my home. My sisters go to work and I must say I am quite happy with the finished product. My living room has much more space because they brought my vision to life. What do people do without sisters? UGH! I would hate to think....

Now I am dressed, fresh like a million bucks threw on my vanilla powder and all blue chucks (aka nike blazers LOL) and was not going to be "Tardy for the Party"...

By this time my parents arrived and when they got in my mom had a little snack and then she opened up the bar! And when I say the drinks started flowing and we started partying that would be an understatement...

The themed drink for the night was BLUE MOTORCYCLES... and when I was done I rode off into the sunset of amnesia and memory lapses LOL But whats more funny is that when I looked behind me I realized I wasn't riding alone LMAO!

Around 4am after the cops came and everybody was drunk as a skunk we decided to call it a night. And oh what a night it was. Somewhere in between my cup being refilled and me father and I performing our own rendition of "Didn't I Blow Your Mind" by the Delfonics I earned a couple of Dollars stripping!

This is how my counter looked:

Shout out to the Crew:
Black Cherry - The Photographer
Mont - The Entertainment
Diva - The Bartender from the M***
Pops - The DJ
Queen Makidada Late - The Boss!

The people mentioned above made my night VERY SPECIAL, and for that I will always be fond of you!


Thursday September 10, 2009...The Beginning!

So it is the day before I was officially introduce to this crazy world as APHJ...

I am at my desk putting together the final touches on my Birthday Bash Celebration weekend, cuz you know without a plan SHITE will fall apart. And even with a plan SHITE don't go right but you can adjust better when you have a clear picture of what you want to do and what needs to be done. BUT I DIGRESS... Back to my desk and I am talking to MY VERY GOOD FRIEND Kels, who is doing her thang in NY/NJ, on _____chat and she out of the blue says "...hey how about Happy Hour..." so I'm like wait a minute, "Are you in town..." and she was like yes just for the day. I felt so special, because who wouldn't have thought that she came to spread some birthday cheer. Yes she handled some other business while in town, but Happy Hour was on her in honor of my earthday!


So the plan is to meet up at Jordan's 8 a nice little fusion spot that is quaint yet very effective if you want ambiance, atmosphere, chicness, sprinkled with a dash of bourgeoisie then THIS IS DEFINITELY THE SPOT!

We sat on the rooftop deck and had lemon drop martini's until we couldn't lemon drop no-more! Ate sushi (sidebar: Have you noticed the "new blacks" where sushi is like a staple, whereas not too long ago you couldn't get black people to even think about trying sushi...see what "arrival" will result in?)had fillet Mignon sliders and crab cakes...YOU HAVE GOT TO LOVE KELS...oh it gets done right!!!

Will always be very fond of her...In another life she would be my wife, but for now I will accept her as a VERY DEAR FRIEND!
