Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pissed @ Apple Right Now...

I am sooooooooooooooooooooo feckin pissed right now. Tell me why, in the midst of my spin class DJ debut, did my IPOD 20 GB decided that it is tired of holding a charge and won't do it anymore. WTF!

Do you know how awful and boring it is to workout without any music? Its like walking through the desert with a plastic bag jumpsuit as clothing. UGH!

I am a PROUD member of the IPOD generation, but I am sad to say that with all the fanfare that is given to Apple for their innovation and futuristic technolgoy why the feckstick can't the damn thing hold a charge.

Now as long as its plugged into a charging device it will play. But the moment you unhook it, the screen will fade out and a display message will appear saying "battery low please connect to charging device" even if its been charging for hours.

Such as life I suppose, and technology isn't perfected YET!

Glad my Birthday is just 28 days 686 hours 41196 minutes 2471720 seconds away... BUT WHO'S COUNTING



~JSW said...

I'm all about birthday countdowns, but you really may have taken it a bit to far...and I mean that with all the love in the

~Feenix~ said...

LOL what you talkin'