So how do you get someone out of your system that unconciously ebedded themselves in your emotions and psyche? Well when you find out the answer please let me know so that I can bottle it and sell it to unsuspecting people embarking on new relationships.
So as you all know I've had to deal with a little bit of drama over the course of last week. Well the weekend approaches and I am stubborn as hell, so I let the dust settle and the chips fell where they may.
But I had this nagging feeling attached to my spirit...I figured it out at 12:00am (August 3rd) I Missed Them...
Im Missing You - Diana Ross & the Supremes
WOW! didn't see that coming...So I reached out and I expressed myself (something I don't do, but learning how to) and told them exactly what the problem was and how I was feeling. I took responsibility for my part and they did the same. WE COMMUNICATED! Gold star for that...
So we're gonna try it again...Besides whats a relationship without a few obstacles.
Wish us luck and blessings!
Good luck! I hope everything works out the exact way you want it.
I'm sure you know relationships are work. As long as there is a will, there is a way. Keep working at it.
Thanks Brotha, we shall see. It is something I will give you that. Its difficult enough trying to live your own life and when you decide to incorporate someone else's life in with that...things can get blurry. And what we fail to realize is that you have to develop a formula that works for your relationship...in this instance reinventing the wheel would be appropriate.
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