Its Over...
How many chances are you supposed to give someone when they keep doing the same SHITE! I mean really, what do you have to do or say to get them to see your point. I have grown tremendously! I have learned that when dealing with other people and trying to incorporate them into your life you have to take certain steps and pay closer attention to certain things. I find the best way to go at this is straight up and to the point. So I ask very direct questions (thanks to my daddy, i love that man!) and I expect very direct answers. So when you beat around the bush and avoid answering my questions this causes concern...
When I tell you that I am a nice person and try not to get upset because I can go from 0 to 60 in seconds you should believe me. When I clearly tell you the things that upset me and you continue to do those things and then I FUCKIN' SNAP you shouldn't be surprised or upset that I snapped. You should own up to it and say yeah I kept doing it so I should have expected it. You got me WAY'FD
When you just don't take the time to see the good I do and you only go on your twisted interpretation of what I SHOULD BE DOING (if I were you, but that's just it, I'M NOT YOU!)...then it will never work.
When you get upset because I don't say what you expect me to say, something is wrong and that's not really mature!
When you tell me that you care and I SHOW YOU THAT I CARE and you get mad because I don't say I care, then you really aren't paying attention and words mean more to you than actionS...Then we aren't compatible. When you are going thru a life changing event and you fear how I MIGHT react and I react by telling you "BABY IT's OKAY, WE WILL GET THRU THIS STRONGER THAN EVER" and you have the nerve to question my sincerity THEN YOU HAVE ISSUES THAT YOU HAVE TO WORK ON.
With all that being said. I APOLOGIZE... Apologize for my timing. You weren't ready for the type of man I am. Maybe one day you will be and maybe I will be around to show you how AWESOME life can be. I apologize that we weren't able to work it out, it could have been something really special. I apologize for not fitting into a box and I apologize for being someone that you couldn't read easily. I apologize that I am a mystery, a mystery that you found intriguing in the beginning but frustrated you because you thought you would be able to change that.
It's okay, you are forgiven and I am FREE!
You are something special but just not for me and I am okay with that and I have accepted it. With all my heart, I MUST say goodbye. Maybe I will see you next lifetime. Take care of yourself...
Much Love,
Wow, did you just put a Dear John letter up on your blog. Does this person read your blog?
LOL @ Dear John
No they don't...
Wait is this the same person from the last blog...if they've hit 3 strikes in 2 weeks you're probably better off without them. From the sound of the blogs you guys have gone through a years worth of drama already.
LOL yes sister that is exactly who it is...
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