All things being equal, I always put you first
You know that I've been down for you for better and for worst
All things being equal, I've been more than cool
So it seems only natural to expect the same from you
Now I ain't trying to start nothing, I like things drama free
But there won't be nothing to stop if you keep sweatin' me
Sometimes I just need my space, no different than you
So if I don't care that you do, why can't you deal with it?
I need some me time, Not some you and some I
Just some me time
I need some HE time, Just some free time
You ain't got to worry, There ain't nothing going on
I need some me time, That's all, That's all...
All things being equal, your not the only one
If I wanted to roll like that, I could have anyone I want
All things being equal, I've got a right to choose
The only thing you need to know, is my choice is always you
Now, I'm not trying to flip on you or make a mess of things
But if I put my trust in you, then you should do the same
I'm not going anyplace, I'm not going anywhere
So why you gotta be actin' all scared...
I need some me time, Not some you and some I
Just some me time
I need some HE time, Just some free time
You ain't got to worry, There ain't nothing going on
I need some me time, That's all, That's all...
I'm not deserving of your doubt and lack of trust for me,
It's disturbing you would think that low of me
I've told you anything and everything that's goin' on..
In relationships the parties involved fail to realize that sometimes your partner needs that moment of clarity to just deal with their life and the thoughts going on in their head. And as their partner you should understand that. But often times we don't and it leads to a dissolution of a relationship... I know from first hand experience.
I am a person that values my space and I rarely let anyone disturb that. So when I got involved in my latest relationship I communicated that to the person, yet they did all they could to be with me 24/7, when I wasn't at work. It drained me! I wasn't getting any sleep because they were there, I was being late to work because of them (my fault too because I allowed it), I rearranged my schedule and activities to accommodate them, and the ONE time I wanted a night to myself THEY FLIPPED.
Implied that I was with someone else, stated that you don't normally take baths so why take one tonight, who takes a 2-hour bath (no-one that I know of, but you do have preparations that might make bath time lead to 2-hours), etc. Now mind you I had already told them that my day was FUCKED UP and that my emotions were all over the place. So I had the right to flip, yes? Well I didn't, I just said "As I have told you already my day was FUCKED and I just want to be alone instead of taking it out on you. But you don't understand that so I am not about to have this argument, GOODNIGHT." Can you say I had a GOOD NIGHT'S sleep and I feel so rested!!!!!
Happy Hump Day!
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