Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Utter Confusion...

I don't know if I am coming or going...
To describe me as a ball of emotions, would be putting it lightly.

Being without control is new to me, and I haven't determined if I like this feeling
Why does life have to be so hard?

Why do we find ourselves in situations that for whatever reason we just can't get out of or have the strength to leave alone.

Why are choices so complicated, when everything seems to be so easy.
Is it that hard to just go with the flow?

Is laughter the ultimate mask of deception? Do we laugh even when its not remotely funny? If laughter is indeed the best medicine, then what is it when it turns to tears?

The human is said to be complex, but my argument is that the human is just the drone controlled by the complexity of the mind...

The mind fosters emotion..Emotion is UNCONTROLLABLE. Emotion is RAW, Emotion is STRONG, Emotion is DETERMINED, Emotion just IS!



~JSW said...

Emotions make you strong and resilient at times and at other times weak and vulnerable. Emotions have their own mind and make their own decisions. Emotions often leave your mind and common sense in the dust to go after what they want. Emotions are amazing and Emotions suck...all that the same time.

~Feenix~ said...

Sounds like "Emotions" need to be shot!