Is it wrong to ask your mother to ask the person that you used to date, whom you no longer really speak to because they are an Asshole, if you could use their house for your birthday party?
I mean what if you feel that they owe you this because they are an Asshole and you didn't know they were an asshole before you dated them?
Is it also wrong to give your mother a "script" because you are sure they are going to have questions, one in particular being "...Does he know about the party?..." to which you instruct her to reply NO!
I am only considering this as an option while I look at other spaces, but you should always have a plan B, C, D, and sometimes E...
Hmmmmm what do you think readers?
6 years ago
Wait let me get this straight, you want to have your party at your ex's house. You don't speak to the ex anymore, which is why you can't call them yourself. Then you want your mother to lie (in fact you've given her a script of lies to tell) to this person and say she concocted this idea on her own, when in actuality you planned this whole thing out...Am I right?
I guess my question is, is having the party at the house worth all this?
Also if this person knows you at all, won't they know you are behind the mom calling and asking to have the party there...
Well answer your question you know I have the ability to be un-phased by certain things when I am getting what I want. Worth it yes because its not about the ex...ITS ABOUT ME! So to go along with the idea that I have for the party, their house is perfect!
But I see your point..DRAT!
lmao dragging your innocent mother into this shenanigan (tisk tisk*)
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