Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Can we build an EMBARASSMENT JAIL...

CLICK EACH BOLD LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO - Grandmas "Drop It Like It's Hot" To Get Out Of a Traffic Ticket...
My sister said she had no words for this "coonary"..I was like coonary? WTF, dying of laughter. - Live lobsters scare the hell out of Black woman
Should you even be cooking/eating crabs if you have to go thru all this? - Keep Yo Dancing Ass Off The Treadmill!
He should be the poster child for the EMBARRASSMENT JAIL - "CRACKHEADS GONE WILD" Creator on FOX News...
So who should go to EMBARRASSMENT JAIL the producer or the crackheads? - Memphis Gay Black Pride Cupid Shuffle
Is that a grassy knoll?
p.s. is that a child at gay black pride?

And the coup de grace....This Pic!

Send his parents too!

So we can lock up all MUTHAFUKKERS that embarrass our race!

So glad I'm a white woman...


p.p.s. My sister said this to me "OMG I can’t believe you were on this website checking out more coonary. I just looked at the links you put on your blog. I am so completely disgusted with “crackheads” gone wild!!!!! Wth would even make a person think of doing that? I can only be so mad at the crackheads b/c they are after all crackheads that will do anything for a dollar. But this man paying them to do stuff for TV, knowing they will take whatever dollars they get to buy more crack. When the lady said some of the characters are becoming so well known they are selling their autographs for cash I darn near fell out of my seat. He is the one that should be thrown in the coonary colony, maximum security He should be forced to watch Roots, Roots the next generation, Sankofa, and any other televisions shows where they depicted happy sambo type characters sitting around all day eating chicken, watermelon, and grape soda every day for the duration of his sentence. I’m so outdone!!!"

1 comment:

~JSW said...

I'm mad you went through the website to find mroe its just too much.