Ok there are just some places where I am not particularly interested in having a conversation, and that place is the public restroom. First off, it is high on my list of the most disgusting places known to man and I try to spend as limited amount of time in there as possible, so for it to be prolonged by NONVERSATION( completely worthless conversation, wherein nothing is illuminated, explained or otherwise elaborated upon) just doesn't sit well with me....
So here I am walking into the bathroom and in the mirror I can see the guy that I don't particularly like to converse with but it comes with the territory. And since technically he was behind the bathroom door he made it easy for me to pretend he wasn't there (something that i am extremely good at) but that didn't mean he wasn't going to acknowledge me...SHITE! So he is talking to me and I dont get anything he said because it all sounded like penguin talk (I happen to think he resembles the penguin from Batman 2: a la Danny DeVito) so I just laugh as if I agree. Then the punchline comes.... "Do you know the acronym for Thursday..." so here I am focusing on relieving my bladder and here comes this off the wall question about acronyms...So before I could answer (which I had no intentions of doing) he says: " So Happy Its Thursday" or S.H.I.T..... Talk about bathroom conversation~Geesh
6 years ago
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