Readers, I need your help....
I, unbeknownst to me, have gotten myself in a pseudo relationship with a young lady miles away from me --that is the least of the complication--and after careful analysis I don't know what to do. I do believe this is where I insert a little bit of history on the situation....
History:Ok so we met on ********, I think I was searching for a friend and stumble upon her by accident. Oh no wait she contacted me cuz she noticed that I used to work for Enterprise and we started talking from there. Don't get me wrong the conversation was kool from the beginning she was a different kinda girl aggressive, yet feminine, nasty yet subtle, and all that. And you know I am a huge flirt so it was easy for me to play along!
I don't know what kind of attraction it is...she is a nasty freak so it could definitely be sexual, emotional at times depending on what we talk about and we used to talk alot on *******, but when i stopped working and wasn't on as much she got mad because she felt i stopped being consistent in my communication with her. she prayed for my situation and things of that nature. Then it started getting more serious and somewhere in the midst of all this she ended up with my number and vice versa..Then we started texting and talking on phone. but i am not a phone person so that didn't last long. Then she was planning this cruise for us to go on..yadda yadda
So regroup to present day. She sends me a text and ask me what I am doing MEM Day Weekend...Set up right? I respond don't know yet, y? And here comes the BOMB! She says because I was thinking about visiting.....OK (i say as i rub my chin) I say, okay let me check my holiday schedule and let you know. That translated to her as I am too busy for you WTF?????
So I just had a conversation that I like to call "dramatics" because all I said was let me check and let you know that way you can make better plans that may or may not include me. Simple right? Well I guess its not that simple in real girl world.....
Now I will be the first to admit that I am a HUGE flirt and would probably flirt with anybody because it comes natural to me. But how did some flirting, a little charm, intelligence, and consistent conversation turn into trip plans and baby talk....
feenix is confused and bewildered at these shenanigans
6 years ago
you just answered your own question. Flirting, charm, intelligence, and consistent conversation is pretty much how most relationships start out.
If only I had seen this train coming...
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