So if you are like me, then you are wondering what the eff happened to healthcare and the pride that went with the industry. The emergency room has now become the Dr's office and real emergencies no longer take precedence. Maybe I am confused but when did open head wounds, broken bones, fluids leaking from every orafice get grouped with sore throats and school vaccines.(things you should consult your primary care physician for). So now you have all these people grouped in the emergency room looking crazy waiting hours upon hours for treatment only for the ER "Dr." to give you a prescription and a pill and send you home without diagnosing your current ailment....Oh and then they have a nerve to charge for that. What does the description on the bill read " Charged patient for an extended wait in the emergency room where they experienced kids with lack of home training, dodging fist when the brawl broke out, and staff who clearly didn't know what they were doing and chose to take it out on the patient?" --sidebar: since when did hospitals get so nasty and lax on their cleanliness--
So this brings me to my latest life experience with a certain hospital(which shall remain nameless)...So its bad enough you have to go to a hospital but then to be going to visit and see a family member just makes it that much more of a task. So you would expect that to some degree your personal information would be private or protected (a la HIPAA) but that was so not the case. Not only was the patients information lying around for the entire world to see, the staff had the nerve to get jazzy when asked to protect it. WTF?????
6 years ago
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