Sometimes it is so good to travel back down memory lane. When you speak to old friends and you recant(sp?) all the things you did together. Well during my freshmen year(I think) in undergrad I met G.W.G. who is now one of my very very good friends. From the inception of our friendship, it has been a nonstop rollercoaster of laughs among other things.
Never will forget the day we first met. I was working in the advisement office of the business school(my major) and I came in late and noticed there was a change in staff. ( I miss you Shonda)and we gave eachother this look that translated into "WTF is that?" LOL its so funny when you look back on it because at that moment we had to decide mentally are we going to be friends or enemies...So glad that friendship won the battle. Since that day we were inseperable. Hitting all the hot spots in Philly: FiveSpot (Remember the snowstorm?), Midtown Diner, Shampoo, 13th street, Mad4Mex($5 margaritas and hot wings Friday starting at 11pm), Martini Cafe, South Street and all the spots in between. This was my buddy until the end. So much so that it is so hard to be embarassed when you have friends like that. I will never forget the day that I was on my way to their house, it was a Friday so it was hit the streets night, and I was looking good. --sidebar: HA HA as always the case even when I am looking bad--and I was getting off of the 'L' and the ground was wet. I had on a pair of black flightposits and where the arch of the foot is the shoe had rubber. The rubber hit the tip of the steps(back then the steps had metal on them) and next thing I know I am on the ground, IN THE MIDDLE OF RUSH HOUR! Aside from embarassment I was upset that I messed up my white 'T'....Luckily for me my best bud had a washer and dryer LOL. These are the kinds of stories that make life and friendships so valuable.
I will always love you G.W.G and I thank you for giving me some of the greatest memories of my life!!!!
6 years ago