So recently I have been stopping for people that have gotten in car accidents where I have witnessed the events. I don't know something within me just makes me stop. I believe it comes from the fact that I would want someone to stop for me if the shoe was on the other foot. Luckily, I have been blessed to not need assistance from any passer-byers in any of my car accidents. --sidebar: did i just say in any of my car accidents like its been so many, LOL. well it has been quite a few--but nonetheless I am going to recount the events from last night. So I am traveling home from class on RT 50 and all I am thinking about is how I can't wait to get in the shower climb in bed, and watch tv. So as I am driving a car on the opposite side of the highway flashes his lights a few times, and if you are familiar with driving codes you know that means there is a cop in the area. So I slow down cuz I have a heavy foot then I see brake lights...So now I am paying close attention and as I am passing I see what appears to be a crumpled pile of metal off in a ditch and it was extremely dark outside. So I pull onto the shoulder and back up...As I get out of the car I hear this girl screaming at the top of her lungs and crying. So I say to myself "oh wow I finally get to see a bloody body.." So as I approach the mangled car I realize that it was just her and another girl in the car. Another guy had already pulled over and he was in the car looking for the girls cell phone. I stand off to the side and realize no one has called 911.(Why does the 911 operator ask your name after you tell her whats going on?)
So I take a closer look at the girl that was screaming after she calms down and I wonder where she was on her way to with that outfit...a total H.A.M. But upon a closer look I realize that home girl pee'd her skirt cuz she wasn't wearing pants. I say to myself "self that must have been some accident.." and then another dude gonna say to me I know this aint the time or place but shorty is phat....I'm like she has a pee stain...are you serious???????????????
What does that say about him? Its sad how regardless of the situation body parts are the focus and this gives women the false belief that what they are doing and how they look is appropriate. Here this poor girl is jacked up, hair all over her head, mini skirt piss soaked, stockings got runs in them, make up running down her face, car tore up, and all homeboy is focused on is how phat she is in her piss soaked to small mini-skirt......
6 years ago
First of all your "wow I finally get to see a bloody body" is far too much. And i'm mad that in the midst of the mangled metal in a ditch you were able to do a full assessment of her outfit, head to toe. You are such a Glad you stopped to help though.
Good Job for stopping! There should be more people out there helping out... & LMAO @ the guy who said "I know this aint the time or place but shorty is phat...."
LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOW!!! I was expecting something along the lines of saving someone's life as I read but "piss soaked" is hilarious...this takes me back to our time in class and that poor old Ms. Pat and how you use to be killing her...LMBO!!!!! You are hilarious...
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