If you are not familiar with 295, I am sure you have some road in your town that is just like it, then let me give you some history. Its a major 2-lane (in each direction) highway/rd in the DMV that is as unpredictable as the weather. You never know if you will be in a traffic jam or it will be smooth sailing. So today, like any other day, I embark on my 8 minute journey to work. For whatever reason these non-drives like to hold up both lanes, and it creates traffic and extended travel times. So I am about 4 cars back and I begin to plan my "escape" from the line of cars that are inching along because of this truck(which is understandable) and the viking looking Volvo driver behind him. So just as I make my escape move so does the Volvo....SHITE! and as I look in my rear view mirror it appears that every other car behind me was thinking the same thing because we all went at the same time. Then the viking wants to play driving games......
He begins to break check and apply his breaks, so as soon as I got the opportunity I swerved around him and proceeded on my way. As the driving gods would have it, the viking was going in the same direction as I. So I got the feeling he was on stalker status and following me. So to make sure I looped around the parking lot a few times passing numerous open spaces to see if he would follow me and he did. So I finally said OK there must be something he wants to say and I don't have time to play this game with him AT 8:00 in the morning.... So he parks next to me and I pretend as if I don't see him (something done frequently, refer to posting 'NONVERSATION') and he knocks on my window. So I give him the courtesy crack in the window, you know that one that is barely even a crack and say "may i help you..."
The viking has the nerve to say "...you really shouldn't tailgate, because I would hate for you or I to get hurt.." I said I wasn't tailgating you But I, like the 20 cars behind me were trying to get by you so that we can proceed on to work but instead you feel the need to play parking war games in the middle of rush hour traffic. Maybe you should try refraining from those shenanigans..Have a good day" and rolled my window back up....
The Enemy.....
6 years ago
a viking though...lol. i'm so done with you
call the cops! he fit the description of a #MADSTALKER why did he have all that time on his hands and then proceed to threaten your life...Im dissappointed....dont ever let volvo #TRYUSAGAIN lls
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