Welcome Back! to another work week 'feenix magazine' readers...
I must say that the weekend was an interesting one. From the sleep deprived ass whoopin' that a bicyclist almost caught in the middle of "K" street to the transi waitress at a local restaurant. (very felicity huffman in 'Transamerica') but I really can't complain about too much.
At this point I am in a different place and many things don't qualify as "things to hold onto" which is scary and refreshing at the same time. The best way to realize this is by running into your "past". Especially when your past is in the same small hot smoked filled drink induced hut with your other pasts...--sidebar: is it appropriate to entertain a potential while your past are present and definitely watching within eye shot?--
I remember a time when Monday was the worst day of the week for me. I felt so drained, unmotivated to complete any tasks and Mondays seemed to make the week longer. Now Mondays are like any other day of the week. Full of opportunity, laughs, happiness, and progression. My dad made a comment one day, about 2 weeks ago, and he said your not grown your growing...although he wasn't talking to me at the time, it really did make some things clear. So at my new stage in life and new thoughts...I tip my hat to growing, cuz thats just what I am doing...
With that being said let me unpause my tribute to Luther V....Jammin' on a Monday Morning!
6 years ago
Just for the record, if your past is really your past then who cares if they see you talking to a potential future. Question is would you be bothered if they were doing the same?
Thats a very good question. I just happen to think its about boundaries and respect. No matter what you all went thru you still shared some of your life and emotions with this person. With that being said they will always have a piece of you and vice versa....
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