So will black people finally realize that we are NOT equals and we have not arrived as so many seem to think. Yes you have better jobs, but you don't make as much as the other guy with the same job title and less education/experience.
Yes you have a Mercedes Benz but it will NEVER be the same model.
Yes you can move into the fancy neighborhood and buy the big house, but your "other" neighbors really don't want you there!
You were so excited to finally have a black president and they are doing everything they can to tarnish, disrupt, vote against, and criticize the very thing that he was voted in to do...
Now what kills me is that the White House press staff is saying that the President doesn't believe this latest brash of outbursts has anything to do with race...
What do you think?
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Well the white house is saying what they are supposed to day. Its the white house! The president can't come out and call his criticism racist b/c that would just feed further into the problem. Then people would say he's blaming his failures in passing this healthcare plan on race (just like all black people blame their shortcomings on race). Like he was whining or something. Obama didn't run his campaign on race, he ran it on facts and change. So it would be suicide to run his presidency on race. Although at the root we all know what this is, its important for him to focus on facts and not let himself get caught up in the race debate. Jimmy Carter is like 90 yo, the oldest living former president and he's known for saying whatever the heck he wants. He's a wild card and has been for the past several terms the Dems know it, but what are they going to do? He has the freedom to speak the truth in simple and blunt terms. The president has too much at steak to do that. We already see how every little statement he makes ends up on the 7 o clock news, even when its supposed to be off the record. The White House is smart to respond as they have.
Hmmmm interesting thought my dear watson. Pregnancy has changed you...like it like it!
Are they AWAKE yet,no......I am not sure what it is going to take for BLACKS to become a Diaspora of people who understand that North America is a very racist place, to include having a black president. YES, hell yes the president is catching the most disrespectful treatment ever because of the color of his skin.
For me I have mixed feelings about how the president and his people are handling the very truthful comment that carter made. It is time that the racist people in this country begin being honest that racisim runs this country. As an educated follower of the president it bothers me that he is not being honest with the comment carter made. As the "public" it makes me feel that he is talking to people that dont have a "clue." I agree that this does not need to be a back and forth thing however, the truth from the president is important. Maybe if he explained that racisim is being used to mistrude the public than maybe the public can begin to clearly understand his plans for the future of this country to include the healthcare plan. There are ways to "SPOOK" in the truths that racist are using to be ignorant against the president and BLACKS on this continent.
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