It's my muthafukkin day and I didn't do a damn thing that I didn't want too! Ya HEARD!
So I drag myself outta bed kicking and screaming cuz I knew I should have taken off work because after fukkin around with Kels, I needed a mental health day. But I learned a long time ago that you don't take your birthday off because you won't receive the cake and gifts from your co-workers that they surprise you with. You take the day after your birthday off!!!!!
So again I am at my desk making calls and lining up schedules because once the clock strikes 4:00pm it will be CRUNCH TIME! I have to zip down the highway, scoop my sisters, and then begin the errands for the night. Errands include, grocery store, dollar store, liquor store, party store, CHIK-FIL-A (which will have its own blog)and CLEANING MY HOUSE! So much to do so little time because party #1 is scheduled to start at 8:30pm. So I scoop my sisters and we run to the shopping strip close to where they reside and one of my sisters suggest that we split up and knock out as much as we can. Good Idea Sis! I needed to run across the street to get something blue to wear (since that was part of the theme one item of clothing/accessory must be BLUE!) and I decided that I would get a white T-shirt and wear a pair of blue chucks that I already own. But when I walked into the store I seen the ULTIMATE BLUE accessory in a pair of NIKES. Now everyone knows that I am a shoe and sneaker freak so what would make this episode any different. They were a pair of just released Nike Blazers with Scuba Blue Suede and Royal Blue sole and checker patterns with a white Nike sign...Needless to say I had my something Blue and a Birthday gift to myself!!!!
I fast forward to finally getting home and deciding how we are going to tackle my home. My sisters go to work and I must say I am quite happy with the finished product. My living room has much more space because they brought my vision to life. What do people do without sisters? UGH! I would hate to think....
Now I am dressed, fresh like a million bucks threw on my vanilla powder and all blue chucks (aka nike blazers LOL) and was not going to be "Tardy for the Party"...
By this time my parents arrived and when they got in my mom had a little snack and then she opened up the bar! And when I say the drinks started flowing and we started partying that would be an understatement...
The themed drink for the night was BLUE MOTORCYCLES...

Around 4am after the cops came and everybody was drunk as a skunk we decided to call it a night. And oh what a night it was. Somewhere in between my cup being refilled and me father and I performing our own rendition of "Didn't I Blow Your Mind" by the Delfonics I earned a couple of Dollars stripping!
This is how my counter looked:

Shout out to the Crew:
Black Cherry - The Photographer
Mont - The Entertainment
Diva - The Bartender from the M***
Pops - The DJ
Queen Makidada Late - The Boss!
The people mentioned above made my night VERY SPECIAL, and for that I will always be fond of you!
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