The definition itself implies guilt and admission of fault...
For that I believe is what makes it hard for me to apologize because I don't always feel I am at fault or guilty. Maybe its about interpretation!
This particular subject is important on this rainy Friday because My makidada and I had a heated discussion yesterday that resulted in comments and statements being made that whether true or not were VERY MUCH HURTFUL! At the time I felt I was right in making them and I still believe that they are true but MAYBE THAT WASN'T MY PLACE or MAYBE I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN TRYING TO BE HURTFUL. Whatever the reason that is my sister and I APOLOGIZE...
For whatever the reason we had the disagreement you are still my MAKIDADA and I will always love you and try to make your life better in anyway that I can!
Can you do me one favor? Please stop putting your family down and embrace the good things about them. They will ALWAYS be there for you when no one else will!
Love you,
Baby Brother...
6 years ago
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