So I didn't know what to write about today, and ironically it came while watching Frankie and Neffe. (See below post)
I am all for church and religion (whichever and whomever you believe in; personally I think you should have some knowledge of all religions)but what I am not a fan of is pastors that use the pulpit for judging. (sidebar: check the book 'pimps in the pulpit')
We, meaning I, believe that the church is a place of refuge where you can escape from the trials and tribulations of life and enter a place of peace; freedom from stares, judgment, and condemnation.
Pointing fingers, making snide slick remarks, and blatantly calling people out are not actions that are indicative of a person "called upon" to do good for the Lord.
Of course the Bible, written by Man, is open to interpretation. So does that mean you get to pick and choose which parts to interpret? I.E. Homosexuality is a sin...So is fornication and passing judgment. Last I checked no "1" sin is greater than the other. Or my personal favorite, "the bible says you MUST attend church..." No actually the Bible says you are to fellowship with others that believe and follow the word as you do. SO IF I CALL A GROUP OF PEOPLE OVER TO MY HOUSE AND WE FELLOWSHIP, READ, AND FOLLOW THE WORD...THAT IS CHURCH! But I digress...
Back to Frankie and Neffe. They attended a church close to Neffe's home in ATL, and the pastor makes a comment about not bringing Hollywood to church. Immediately, I could see why they had that sour look. It was an insult. Then the pastor went on to say, I would appreciate it if ya'll would stop all that moving around...and then the "congregation" can be heard shouting AMENs! WTF????
Being envious is a sin just as well as the other ones that are written and unspoken!
Now I was not raised completely in the church, but I don't feel you have to be to understand what church is about and the RIGHT and wrong that goes on in the "house", because some shouldn't dare call it the House of the Lord.
"Get your house in order..."
"He woke meeeeee up this morning, I was clothed in my right mind. He did not, let me sleep too late. He woke me up on Time!"
6 years ago
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