This is our community...I'm ashamed of it!

Suspect 1 & 2

Suspect 3

The FATAL Blow...

Albert being struck again

Unknown participants

No-one had the will to stop him

Mother of suspect 3 - "Ava Johnson, mother of Eugene Riley, who has been charged with beating to death 16-year-old Derrion Albert on Sept. 24, talks to the media as she holds her son photo at Fenger High School in Chicago, Sept. 28, 2009. Johnson said her son is innocent."

A mother's PAIN...

A child loses her cousin

R.I.P. Derrion Albert...we don't know you, but we know your story!
oh my God! Why do people sit around and let things like this happen? Allowing it should be an accessory... I'm so saddened by this...
I agree, and as we can see from the photos and video that it was a great number of people who sat around and watched this happen...
Whats even worse there were two cops sitting in a squad car across the street. The story is that they were outnumbered so thats why they didn't do anything.
On top of that, you hear the people recording it..laughing and saying zoom in get closer. Really?
WOW!!!! So I dont even know where to begin but I can say that to your comment fuzzy, you are absolutely right with other people needing to be charged however I think it should be the one that is the sole parental influence in the wasted sperms life. I say this because Ava Johnson who looks like (and yes I am basing this on her picture)a welfare mother who has not positively been a responsible parent in her son's life. As she is saying he is innocent...I mean is she looking at the same video we are. She looks like the mother that was not an active parent and involved in her son's education....she just looks like a whole lot of things and none of them are positive....
The police sitting there, I understand, not that it's right however I do understand there motives. Being that the police force is a government ran code blue organization the whole goal for them is to allow blacks to continue to take out blacks with a little side help from the law. Western cultured people all know that had those officers attempted to stop that killing they could have but again one must keep in mind the "bigger" picture, their goal to kill off the BLACK Diaspora and how easy is it reaching that goal when you allow them to do it to themselves.
The spectators, hmmmmm, through lack of knowledge, education, respect for self and others, you have a bunch and I mean a bunch of people who cheered and enjoyed watching a young brother murdered by the hands of other brothers, now if this aint slavery, then the OBAMA's are not black.......And on that note for ALL of you who think slavery and racism is over because we have a Black president what happened to Derrion Albert will continue to happen.....
To all of those on welfare, my comment was not made to offend anyone, however WE all know that this part of the system has become a tool that women are using to have babies that they really dont want and too is allowing them to have an excuse to let them do nothing and be a shitty disgrace to the human race especially ours.....
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