So I know that I have been missed and quite alot has happened in my life since my last realy post. Prior to my return post some time has passed and I felt that I was going through a transition in my life and it kept me away from my blog. But now I am back with a new sense of my life, a new look, new blog pic, and a better spirit. I WAS REBORN...
So here we go:
1) I explained in very black and educated terms to the white man that I am NOT stupid, will NOT be played as stupid, and you will NOT get me to do the things that you refuse to do. I am far too qualified and intelligent to be the guinea pig scape goat...
2) As a result I no long work for the white man
3) I had my first visit to Kentucky and I LOVED IT. The people, the atmosphere, even the strippers were kind and asked if it was okay to sit on your lap before they jumped on it.
4) I had my very first trip to Texas and I must say I wouldn't mind visiting again.
5) I had plenty of conversations with GOD
6) I tried my hand at being a lawyer, and ended up making the white man turn red in the courtroom...I may have a future in that after all.
7) I have become more open in communication
9) I'm happy
10) Im more honest
11) I try to answer the question asked with the best of my ability
12) I am not feeling school anymore, therefore I am not putting forth my greatest effort
13) I am discussing wedding ideas
14) I love me
15) I am learning me
17) I am a great person
18) I have a new GREAT group of friends...they are like family. The kind I've always wanted.
19) I miss Sheria...I don't feel we are as close as we used to be :-(
20) I've learned that the people I thought were fake...REALLY ARE!
21) I have two new nieces
22) My adopted "kids" are a trip, but I love them
23) I love everything these days
24) Smiles are the happy wrinkles
25) Growth really does happen and it feels good when you can excercise it
26) I've gained weight
27) I'm back in the gym
28) I am having one of the best Christmas seasons I have had in a long time
29) They know how I feel
30) I smile when I look at them...
That is the last 2 months in a nut shell. The 'feenix' is back!
6 years ago
I have so many questions I don't even know where to start...I miss you too and I agree we aren't as close as we used to be.
Especially since I don't know anything about this person you are in love with. How are you talking about weddings and I don't even know the person’s name and why did I have to find out about this from your blog...I believe this warrants a "hey sis lets talk". I have a house, a couch, and plenty of food and wine. So we can have sit down chats whenever you like. Also my phone number has not changed in the past 5 years so call me dammit.
When the hell were you in the courtroom and again why didn't I know about it.
You know what forget this blogging crap. Its clear that we are long over do for a 3 or 4 drink conversation. So how you doin?
____________________FLATLINE______________ Dead from laughter!
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