So it is Saturday morning and I think I went to sleep 4 hours ago. Remember I have a slight case of amnesia and memory lapse. So I go to get out of my bed and my head said "NO! lay back down...slowly" I oblige and lay there thinking how am I going to get rid of this feeling cuz I have so much shit to do today! I get up and pop 2 Excedrin cuz I had a headache that big! (remember the old Excedrin commercials?)and drank some ICE ICE ICE COLD water and took a shot of the "blue stuff" and laid back down. I dozed for a second and when I woke up felt 10 times better. That is one hell of a hangover remedy I created (patent pending niggas) and it has worked time and time again!
I finally get up and look at my place in disarray and decide "it's not going to clean itself..." and I get started. When I am done its time for my shower cuz I have to get moving. We agreed on 8:00am for a start time, I didn't leave my house until well after 1:30pm. That damn "blue stuff"...but its amazing what a hot shower can do! I was ready for the world again! I went to get my sister and fly niece Jazz and we hit the highway. Dad had to get more liquor, mom had to run to the store, we had to get the cake and other supplies and food for the party. LONG DAY AHEAD! We run around and get EVERYTHING we need in one location. Run home pick up clothes and head to the "WHITE HOUSE" this is where the event takes place! We set up and I shower and change. Can't be "TARDY FOR THE PARTY" and we wait for our fashionably late guest to arrive. You have got to love BLACK PEOPLE. Because no one wants to be first to the party, they indirectly give you more time to set up and prepare. And then they all show at once...LMAO, that never ceases to amaze me.
I didn't drink as much and I ate more this time around. But as you know the theme was all about diamonds so we found the diamond encrusted shot glass that I wore around my neck, and every time someone said happy birthday I had to take a shot!
The cake can be seen:

It was elevated on a cake stand and surrounded by 36 vanilla cupcakes!

Food was good, fun was had, and I thoroughly enjoyed this party as well. That one ended around 4am as well! Thanks to all that attended and all that supported. You will be okay with me, at least for another 365!!!!
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