Ok it is Friday morning, THANK GOD! And I am determined to not let anything push me over the edge. It has been that kind of week. So before I go on and detail my week, I will start with this...
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" ~ Reinhold Niebuhr
Ok it kind of started last Friday. When I got a call from a professor (Im in education)and she was inquiring about certain technologies available to her. (She started off with this "I'm white so you are going to allow me to talk to you any way I want and do what I want..." tone and I responded with the tone "Don't get it twisted, I'm "white" too and your demands DO NOT supercede mine!) Innocent enough I thought until I reminded her that a MANDATORY and NECESSARY piece of documentation was missing from her "file" which constitutes a violation in the contract. She gets all huffy and tells me why should she have to submit that information. For a second time I state that its REQUIRED! She goes on to say that I am not going to email it and I say that is your choice but it needs to be on file in my office prior to the start of your class. She responds with "well can I fax it?" I say "sure" and I provided her with the fax number. Upon ending the phone call, and because I believe in documentation, I shot her an email detailing our conversation, included fax, email, and contact information, and even pulled an excerpt from the policy that refers to the requested documentation. And if I told you what the document was...you would hit the floor in shock about why/how all this came about from requesting a freakin' syllabus!!!!!!
So Monday arrives and still no document. Fine! I shoot Professor Pain in my Ass,
known from this point forward as P.P.I.M.A, an email going back to our Friday conversation and delivering the information that I said I would. She is going to tell me the document is on the internet so go retrieve it. I THINK NOT!! Policy is you submit it, not I go look for it. She calls hours later asking for my director's information. After I identified who the caller was, cuz I just wasn't going to give that up freely, I gave her the information. I had no problem...do what you do boo! Shortly thereafter, my outlook sound alert dings letting me know I have an e-mail. Now if you have ever used outlook then you know that if you are not in the email window then a box will pop up with an excerpt of the message. To my not so surprise it was P.P.I.M.A! And she CC'd my director talking about how I was unprofessional, and needed training on using the company computer infrastructure and how other people were able to go and retrieve it with no problems blah blah blah blah. So of course my director calls me with the "whats goin on tone" I explain to him the intracies of this flawed and delicate relationship. Now anyone that knows me knows that there are few things that set me off, I'm talking 0-60, in seconds. 1) spitting on me 2) telling lies on me 3) and fuckin' with my family...But I digress. The email that P.P.I.M.A sent was full of lies about how I didn't contact her and inform her of anything blah blah blah blah. This is where that good "paper trail" comes in. I forwarded everything I sent her to my director. Case closed or so I thought. When I say gump ass muthafukka...I MEAN A GUMP ASS MUTHAFUKKA. He would rather apologize to her and accomodate her rather than tell her that she was wrong for not following policy. But hey I could care less. Cuz once I handed the situation to him, I was done with it. And I told my director that I am not apologizing to her, him, or anyone for something that I did not do. And if he feels an apology will appease her then he needs to be the one to give it. Case Closed! (At least for Tuesday LOL) Here comes Wednesday...Class night. I go in and greet P.P.I.M.A as part of my job duties cuz trust if I had to do it on GP it would not have gotten done. I have NOTHING to say to people like that. Anyhoo, This is what apologizing to a Nazi will get you. She lied on my director too...LOL That's what you get homie!
So I sent her a very kind email yesterday, on purpose, and BCC'd my Director. It had all kinds of warm fuzzies included, and addressed the issue without an apology being given. You know she still responded with attitude, rudeness, and dismay. I'm convinced that she is trying to pull me into some battle that she think she will win. But since I know me and I know that when I am done there will be one man standing I didn't even want to go there. Because I can fix her ass, but at what consequence. There is more, but this is the meat and potatoes...
I really don't know if I should share this next part but after all I went thru this week with needy ass adults, ignorant adults, whiny adults, bullshitting adults, useless adults, and just ass hole adults...this was the comical highlight of it all.
DO PEOPLE REALLY STILL CALL AND ASK HOW YOU KNOW (INSERT NAME) AND WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM. I mean really, it is 2009 quickly approaching 2010 and if you have to call around and call numbers back to find out what your mate is doing, then IS IT REALLY WORTH IT. And newsflash they aren't your partner, mate, lover, girlfriend, or boyfriend if thats how it is going down. But the extra funny part was this...
Actual conversation with edits: Ringtone: How do you expect me to live alone with just me? Cause my world revolves around you its so hard for me to breath, I answer...
caller: "yes can I speak to J
Me: Speaking
Caller: Yes how do you know (insert name)
Me: Stuck like no the fuck you didn't responds "I suggest you ask (insert name) how we know eachother.
Caller: ok imma call you right back
2mins pass...Ringtone: How do you expect me to live alone with just me? Cause my world revolves around its so hard for me to breath,
Me: Hello
Caller: Yes hold on (hits speaker phone)then says "yes (insert name) says its best to ask you how yall know eachother.
Me: (In my head I'm like LMAO you just got played by your own other half cuz it ain't no way in hell my mate is going to tell me some shit like that and I actually call the person back) Okay back to the conversation cuz I missed most of it with my personal thoughts.
Me: Are you done now?
Caller: Yes just stay away from (insert name)
Me: LOL laters!
First off how can you even embarrass yourself like that? I said it once, I will say it again.
So glad its FRIDAY and this week will be behind me shortly! Then I can go spend some time with Bob M. and Mr. Bombay and his mate Lady Olive!!!! Oh and pick up my I-Phone