Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When Do You Take Them Seriously...

Ok so I have been dealing with the not so sane...

So recently they have said things like "I can't live without you..."; "If I can't have you no-one can..."; "I have had thoughts of doing things..."

So I'm like WTF????

Now by no means am I a punk or scared but statements like this have to be taken seriously. Wouldn't you agree? I'm a firm believer that behind every joke is TRUTH!
Now no matter how INDIRECT they were...Shouldn't these still be viewed as threats?

Never have I been one to ignore the obvious (at least not for long periods of time) so I have to keep my eyes open and be very observant and try to place myself in the best possible position.

Cutting them off cold turkey may push them over the edge. So I guess this is one of those times where you have to keep the dangerous close to you..if only to watch their every move...

No Crazies Allowed!


~JSW said...

wow...i'm not sure what to say about this

~Feenix~ said...

And I don't blame you...

Africa said...

those are very stalkish qualities and those are the "crazies", stalkers....so yeah this is one that needs to be WATCHED from ALL angles, closely