feenix magazine readers let me introduce you to the "new breed." These are the disappointing creatures that have the nerve to call themselves MEN and by doing so happen to be pissin' off those of us that truly fit the image that is MAN. Where do I begin...should it be with the laziness; the bitchassedness; the lack of drive and ambition; the gender bending (not to be confuse with homosexuality cuz that is not where I am going with that); or the down right ugliness that makes me look at them with disgust. (wow that sounded kind of harsh in my head so I wonder what it sounds like to you LOL)
Scenario 1~ You, the man, are okay with your girlfriend/wife/baby mama/jump off/shawty/"friend" or whatever "colorful" term you choose to use getting up everyday and going to work while you roll over scratch yo' balls and lay around playing video games all day with your boys. You may cook and you may clean (highly unlikely, but there are a few that do..Hey HAM) and you have to wait till she gets her check before you can go do anything that requires spending money.
Scenario 2~ You drive like a straight up BITCH! Maybe that comes from being raised by single woman they are teaching you to drive like woman too; and cry like women (everything hurts your feelings) WTF is up wit that? UGH....R.I.P. Trade....
Scenario 3~ There is no lease/mortgage/car note, registration, insurance policy in your name. You are okay with living with your girlfriend/wife/baby mama/jump off/shawty/"friend" until she makes you mad then you go stay with a new girlfriend/wife/baby mama/jump off/shawty/"friend". You drive her car, live in her house, eat her food that was probably purchased with her GOVERNMENT CREDIT CARD. She didn't go out and get a MAN, she picked up another child to raise...I supposed this is the new adoption system. Or maybe its Nigga Nannies take care of him and he will babysit ya kids! That's what I call paying in trade.
Scenario 4~ Gender bending. So lets add it all up. The girlfriend/wife/baby mama/jump off/shawty/"friend" goes to work brings home the bacon while their "man" plays mommy and tends to the home life (if the woman was fortunate enough to pick that type of man) Added to the bitchassness that was instilled in them by the life of a single mother mixed with the blurred line between male and female fashions (sidebar: because the boys go and steal skinny jeans from the girls department) give you the ultimate representation of how the current roles have been reversed....
Sho' sucks to be a woman these days... or maybe not, just pick your "men" better.
Share your thoughts~
6 years ago
So I posted way more than a comment so please check it out at www.mlgu.blogspot.com
You are always getting something started :-)
wow...i can't relate at all...i have a good man! things aren't equal, but we both pitch in when the other is struggling.
And thats how it should be mamalicious. I know too many females that fall into the trap with these men that use them among other things. Keep Him Mama...
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