So you know how hard it is to look into yourself and listen to the truth that you know is there? Well I am dealing with that today, and like always the best way for me to deal is by writing. So here is the issue....
Am I really capable of just being your friend when there is a romantic interest there? That is the question that has presented itself more recently than I care to acknowledge, but its the truth. From the situation with my "EX" and them making it a point to say to me that "...because we can't be together in a loving, romantic relationship that I don't want to deal with them on a friend level either..." Of course when they said that I was like whatever you have no idea what you are talking about... However, the more I thought about it the more I wondered if there was some truth to that. Sidebar: I must say that I had a GREAT weekend and it was finished off nicely with a trip to the Crime and Punishment Museum. No I did not go alone and the company was GREAT! So we made plans to hang out during the week. I contacted them today to set up the day and time for our outing and what we wanted to do for the evening. Once that was decided blah blah blah....Fast forward to 30 minutes ago... I receive a text, and before I could check it 2 more came through. Now someone of my texting magnitude instantly knew that this was a long text that probably explained with dread I checked it. Now here is where I do something that I NORMALLY DON'T DO... I am going to transcribe the entire text and post it here.
Text reads: " I need to be straight up with u. Nothing personal...all on me... I'm not exactly sure what expectations are but to clear the air...I'm just really looking for friends...just kinda getting out of a relationship and I don't want anything other than friends right now."
My response: "K"... I mean was there really anything i could say after that. But instantly I wondered if I should even bother with the plans that we already made. And that's what brought me to my current self purposed question...Can I really be your friend if there is a romantic attraction?
feexnix is in emotional trouble...can you help?
6 years ago
Trust me its hard to pretend to "just be cool" when you really have feelings for someone. The more time you spend with the person the more feelings will grow. Best case scenario their feelings will grow to and something could come of it. But if they are just getting out of a relationship then its likely that they might have lingering feelings for their Ex and right now you are just filling a need. They will go as far as you let them going all on the premiss that they told from the start they just wanted to be friends.
Now with that being said, its still early on so if you think you can displace your feelings and just "hang out" without letting yourself get in to deep then go for it. But its been my experience that when you like someone you like someone and you can't wave a wand to turn romantic feelings in to plain old buddy feelings no matter how hard you try.
And let that be the gospel...
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