- Main Entry: ther·a·pist

- Pronunciation: \ˈther-ə-pist\
- Function:noun
- : one specializing in therapy ; especially : a person trained in methods of treatment and rehabilitation other than the use of drugs or surgery
feenix is a self-proclaimed therapist. Earning street cred with abilities to listen and provide sound advice in various situations ranging from minute to traumatic. I must have the ability to listen because people, strangers included, feel the spiritual need to share their problems and life and relationship struggles with me...AND THEY EXPECT ME TO RESPOND WITH ADVICE. So I have developed the cat like prowess of a "traditional" therapist and can switch roles like that of a magician to provide you with the concrete solid sound stern advice needed to pull you up by your boot straps and stop being the door mat to the prison you call your life. Man/Woman-up, no
bitchassness allowed! A person once asked me "...how are they treating you...?" My response was "...they can only treat me how I allow them to..." Damn was that profound or what, I guess this is why I am the resident
therapist in the lives of others...
At the drop of a dime I will spin around with my yellow legal sized note pad, pencil, and frames slightly on the edge of my nose listening intently to the thoughts and shenanigans of others...
Advice given with love, tough love, but love nonetheless....
I should be getting paid...but I can't charge because I am not licensed.
1 comment:
You're a mess
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