So feenix magazine readers, I dare you to answer the age old question "Is a friendship with an ex really, I mean really, possible. So let me nip it in the bud before you start with the obvious answers. 1) yes you can be friends if you were truly friends before you started dating 2) I don't see why not if you are mature enough to handle it 3) I don't care what they do with their life after me 4) AND THE LIST GOES ON...but you can stop your lying now!
Hell no! you cannot be friends with them, especially if you are going by the definition of what a friend is supposed to be. No they will not be there to listen when the next has hurt you, just like you wouldn't be able to handle that either. No you will not want to hear about the next. Yes you will compare the next to you and try and figure out why, why, WHYYYYYY!!??? Yes you will feel some type of way when you see them with someone else and what will make it worse is that you will not be looking your best and have to be introduced as the "ex"... unless they are totally EF'D up and don't bother to introduce you...your spirit will be beyond crushed (more like deceased) No the relationship will never be the same and now that you are on "friend" status you will have a little hope that things will go back to how they were and they will be more than a friend. As hopeful and hallmark card as this may sound, ITS REALLY A SET UP! You will be emotionally unavailable to anyone else and if you don't reconcile you will feel hurt and betrayed all over again.
Friendship is not supposed to cause you so much grief. Your friends are where you go to escape and let your hair down. To get away from the monotony of everyday life and romantic relationships...Does the above read like a true friendship, HELL NO! So when you break up can you stop with the "we can still be friends" speech, where is it written that that should be the follow up line to "i don't think this is working; i don't want to see you anymore; you make me sick; blah blah blah and all the other break up lines"
What you know about that Wednesdays here at 'feenix" magazine...Drop your thoughts and remember the spirit of the 'feenix' is within.....
6 years ago
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well said
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