This really burns my biscuits! Who is forcing you to keep your job? I'm sure it's not the organization's finance department. And I'm pretty sure they could do something else with your salary (like put it back in their pocket) so why do I have to ask you more than once to do your job? This brings me to today's latest. So your shift begins at 7:30am and as you can see trash needs to emptied, the floor needs to be swept, mopped, buffed, waxed, etc to make it nice, shiny and indicative of a professional working why is it now 4:00pm and NONE of those things have been done. You get an attitude or have thousands of excuses when you are approached about your work performance, or lack thereof. Did you forget that you signed the offer letter to be a housekeeper, or in PC terms an Environmental Services Worker? So empty the fucking trash! SN: I DESPISE an untidy working environment!
Well I got that ass today. I mean I give credit to the chameleon that you are. I'm still trying to figure out how for 8 hours you do NOTHING but make it look like you are just finishing a task or about to begin one...but not on my watch. It's bad enough that we work in an environment where disease and germs are plenty present, why add to it. I know that I signed my offer letter that clearly stated that I would be exposed to a VARIETY of things including airborne spores that can cause respiratory failure...but don't add to it by leaving the trash to pile up and overflow.
*The power of the mighty pen*
Ms. ______
For an 8 hour shift the housekeeper has been asked on SEVERAL occasions to empty the trash, sweep, and prepare______ so that they can be used. It is now change of shift and these things have been left for the next person. I have tried to give her a chance to complete these things during her shift, but the instructions were ignored.
6 years ago
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