Welcome Back! feenix magazine readers. Today was a much better day!
Now if you didn't read yesterdays blog then you will be a little lost in reading today's. I rewind...Yesterday eveing was an interesting ordeal in the H squared household to say the least. Walking around in perfect silence (something I am very good at) and catching glances out the corner of your eye. But when your with someone and truly care about and love them, it's hard to stay mad for long periods of time, especially when you are in the same place...With that being said:
And "pussy" is power to let my SO tell it, cracking up!
Fast forward to today...Silent treatment was over and today was a much better day. So much so, the SO and I actually discussed what the problem was. And since all of these hard times have happened it's been easier to put things on the table and actually talk about them without feeling like the attacker/attackee; addressing them upfront seems to be the uphill battle.
When the SO returns they will finish dinner and we will enjoy a quiet evening at home on Date Night!
Until next time...
6 years ago
1 comment:
So... I'm going to combine my responses for the last two blogs. Was it wrong for you to snoop...technically yes. However, one only feels the need to snoop for one of two reasons 1)they are insecure and therefore unable to trust 2) the person has given you a reason not to trust them already and your inner intellectual is telling you something isn't right and you need to figure out what it is asap...In which case snooping is inevitable. I'm thinking you fall into the second category and I can totally understand why you did it.
But now that you two have talked and put everything on the table then its cool. I'm glad you worked it out...and hopefully the issue won't come up again.
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