I remember a time in my life when I was all smiles. Innocence was all I knew and I just enjoyed being a kid. Then life happended and everything that could happen did happen. Welcome to Pandoras' Box...
Idiosyncricies are revealed, you notice the change in people, trust is questioned, the comfort you knew looks and feels strange. How do we cope? We adjust and change to adapt to the changes around us...you become different. Your defensive, aggressive, moody, arrogant, untrusting, manipulative, independent, sassy. Your unrecognizable...
Your hurt. You hurt. You want it to stop. But you don't know how. You've been this stranger for so long that you believe it's you. But the real you is still there you see them in your sleep, they whisper in your ear to help with decisions, you feel them in your gut. That's the original you, but he's rapidly losing life...
I remember a time in my life when I was all smiles. Innocence was all I knew...
Can I be him again?
6 years ago
Interestingly enough I know just how you are feeling. I was actually getting ready to post a similar blog. You do get hurt and you do change and you go through life and you change. You never get to go back to that precious childlike innocence. You start to develop a thing called wisdom. Which in itself is great, but the bumps, bruises, hurts, and heartaches you go through to get it are not so great. The wonderful thing is you can always be the person you want to be. If life's difficulties have made you into someone you don't recognize you can look back at the old you. Think about what aspects they had that you'd like to have again and work towards it. You can always be the “you” that you want to be. It might not be the person you used to be, but it doesn't have to be the person you perceive to be presently.
OOH DEEP!! give me more!
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