But surprisingly I wasn't...
So I dropped my sister off and I am riding down Minnesota Ave. I see a car to my left coming out a neighborhood and as I passed the car turned behind me. Description: black charger with tint just as dark as mine...
As we are driving along, me driving slow and with the speed limit, for once. (Sidebar: Anybody that knows me knows that Mario Andretti is my inner child) Well this charger kept riding my a**. Seriously, I mean kept revving the engine almost hit me a few times, so any good drive will move out the way. I have an engine as well so I put it to use and got out the way...
Well looking in my rear view mirror, I see that the Charger did the same thing. As I turned they were turning behind me. As I approached the light on Pennsylvania Ave, police lights come on. That's when I realized I had been set up...
So I put the car in park, and throw on my flashers (since I was in the middle of the street) and took out my identification. "The Man" was on my right and his "token" was on the right. I handed the IDs to "the man" and the "token" was asking me where I worked and where I was going so fast. I told him what I do, not where I worked, and then I said I was moving out of your way since you were riding my bumper, not knowing that you were the feds, so I moved. The "token" gonna say "well you sure got out our way fast..."
The "token" asks do I have anything illegal in the car. I say no and he asks do I mind if they check. I say yes I do mind and again there is nothing illegal in my car. The "token" gets jazzy and says "its either yes or no" So I say whatev, go head and search. (I know my ride is clean) Sidebar: This is why I tell yall STOP RIDING DIRTY!
The "token" says to his boys "he said its ok to search guys" So "the man" asks me to step out. I do and I am at the rear of the car with "the man 2" and he decides to spark conversation. I should be acting a fool but I really didn't feel the need to. Hmmmmm anyway, "the man 2" asks where I live and I tell him. Our conversation was short...
Now again, anyone that knows me knows that my car, inside and out, is kept immaculate. And I am sure that they were surprised because they thought they were gonna find something, WHICH THEY DIDN'T and that's when I looked at the plate of their car and realized that it had out of state tags...
"Token" then says have a good night Mr. _____________ and slow down. No ticket no nothing. WTF? As I rode home I was surprisingly calm, after that first jolt of adrenaline, I was pretty much unaffected. What does that say?
Thank you for Bombay Gin, so you think you can dance, a hot shower, and a king sized bed!!!!!!
6 years ago
Wow, you handled yourself quite well, but I think I would have gotten someones badge number or something. Why were out of state cops pulling you over. They couldn't give you a ticket anyway. They were just looking for a reason to arest you. I mean a YB&E man in a nice car, he must have something on him...Right?
smh being black and minding your business gets you nothing in this world....but good job for not going off
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