Well I have been gone for a minute because I was not sure what to write and then I remembered why I started writing in the first place, these are just thoughts that are in my head and I am putting them on "paper"...Simple right?
I have been enjoying my life and I can honestly say that I am truly living now. Its funny how you don't know that you are living until you live...ha ha
Love is a beautiful thing you should try it, but promise me that you won't let it consume you.
On to what's been happening:
I've moved, been angry with my best friend, told my best friend that I was angry with him, been honest, and even shared some tears behind it. We have been friends since the 9th grade and that was MANY MANY MANY moons ago, so it is safe to say that we have shared alot! It hurt when I was unable to go to him and tell him things that only he could understand or because he was the ONLY person that I would tell. I almost lost a friend...
Ria has been absent for sometime now and I don't know how I feel about it! I mean of course she is a big balling money making manager for the federal whack ass government, has to beautiful kids that have personalitis only the joker could have created, a fly betty, and a recessionista...but does that equate NEGLECT of her big brother (by 8 days)????? Then I get a last minute invite to her Wii party and she knows that my life is a calendar and I need a little more time than that to swing thru... I wonder if she will allow me to bring my significant other???
The "S.O." has been a big part of my life. Its funny because 6 months ago we weren't even speaking and now we are well on our way to a great future. I commend them because many have tried but none have succeeded in 1)making me open up and share my inner most thoughts 2)sharing my life with other people 3) being in a realtionship. But guess what readers MY FAMILY LIKES THE "S.O." and I mean even my daddy! Now if you can get that man on your side you got it made like the 80's hip-hop classic. Cuz with my daddy...Either he likes you or he don't and it ain't no guessing! I LOVE YOU!
Be on the lookout cuz EthosU, LLC is on the way and when it launches it will be NO STOPPING us. I appreciate you Bro!!!!!!!!!!
There is so much more...but that's enough for now!
6 years ago
Let me start this comment off by saying I love you brother. Now let me tell you a few things about yourself. If I come to your blog one more time and hear you calling me out I will fight you. Not the figurative “imma f you up”…no I will find you and fight you. I’m little, but I’m scrappy and you really don’t want me to have to go there. I’ve told you before you have an open invitation to my house. And if I recall correctly I’ve invited you out quite a few times, compared to the one time you called on your own to come by. And even then, by the time I called you back I had missed my very short window of opportunity and you had already moved on to something else. Yes I do have two kids now and my life is very crazy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have time for you. It does however, mean I can’t cater to you as much as I did in college. I know you fancy yourself too fabulous for a lot, but this should not be the case with me. I’m your sister, we should be past that. Even the last time we spoke on the phone you were supposed to call me back, but you never did. Keeping in contact is a two way street. You cannot say I neglect you, when you don’t put forth effort yourself. How many times have I requested your presence at something and you were on your way to Philly, or Atlantic City, or Alabama? When is the last time you called me and said “hey sis lets go grab something to eat”. You claim to be so distraught about us not spending as much time together as we used to, but why don’t you try asking yourself what YOU can do to make it better. Why does it have to be all on me?
And on the same note, if you are so distraught why the hell hasn’t your number been on my caller ID or why hasn’t your name popped up in my inbox? You don’t think this is a conversation you could have had with ME and not all your blog followers? Or do you think its more interesting as blog fodder? I have to come here to find out everything about you since you don’t have time to let me in on what’s going on. You went and got engaged without even mentioning to me that you were seeing anyone! And questioning whether or not I would let you come through with your S.O…Seriously Mr. Fenix, is that really where we are?
I’m going to stop typing now b/c I think that is best. Good Day!
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