I just ran smack dead into the wall some call reality. I have reached a point/age in my life, which I am thankful for, where I can honestly reflect and answer questions about what went right and what went a different direction that I had planned. For all purposes of this blog post, I am going to focus more on the latter. At my current age on 50% of the goal I set for myself has been obtained, and that is the "living like a white woman" part where I lunch during the day, drive fast in my car, and do things that I want to do on a daily WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE PUNCHING IN AND ANSWERING TO ANYONE INCLUDING A BOSS. As good as this may sound the method in which I have reached this point is not the method I had planned for myself. My method included me retiring at this particular age and being able to completely fund my white woman operation!
Well the funding is becoming depleted and I am in a state of panic because I have to stop the proverbial blood loss immediately. This may mean giving up my freedom of independence, per se, and going back into the workforce. Just thinking about it gives me the mumps! But this is a result of my plan not being executed the same way I had planned it in my head.
So much for life in the fast lane; But I will say that I enjoyed that life for nearly two years and I was AWESOME! But I can't live off socialite lunches and watercress sandwiches anymore...
6 years ago