Hello loyal feenix~ magazine readers, I know it has been ages since I have graced you with my presence, but dying a fiery death and being reborn takes alot out of you!
So it has been an amazing 365(almost)...
I have been living the life of a white woman! And what I mean by that is that I have had no job and my bills have been paid and paid on time. I do what I want when I want and I just love to allow my internal alarm clock to wake me up.
I will say that I miss the interaction with people outside of my circle that being employed allows, but what I don't miss is:
1) Traffic
2) Ignornace
3) Office politics and back stabbing (my last job one of the managers will stab you in your chest if it meant she could keep her job)
4) Ignorance
5) Needy people that the workplace brings
I have been living MY life and enjoying it!
But with anything there are not so fun times...
I have had health issues that I am blessed to overcome and being in a relationship is just like having a full-time damn job...will explain in the next post, but I digress!
I've had an amazing birthday and blessed to see another full year!
Happy Birthday Sis and niece!
Until next time...
Remember the spirit of the feenix~ is within...
6 years ago