First let me start off with a warm greeting to all those that follow and missed me. This is for you...
Well as you can tell I have not been here for some time now and it has been quite hectic in my life.
I have been trying to prepare for the launch of company and the preperations for doing that are lengthy. It consists of edits, approvals, rewrites, more edits, more approvals, more rewrite; submissions, more submissions, waiting, designing, smiling, yelling, agression, being aggressive and just plain ole tired and worn out!!!
But it was all necessary for the first step in EthosU, LLC becomming a brand. There is nothing like competition and I experienced that first hand February 25, 2010 at Morehouse College. My business partner and I have the great idea, we even had the great presentation. But it all went to hell in a handbasket and it went there fast and easy. Let me explain...
We were all gased up and excited. The nerves were calm as we eyed the competition. We didn't count them out we just knew we had the best idea and presentation. WE STILL THINK SO! But we got beat with the pen so to speak. We rehearsed using the entire stage only to be told that we had to stay behind the podium. We were told we would have hand held mics only to find out that we would have one stationary mic that was 2-4 feet lower than each of our heights so try bending down to give a 10 minute presentation. Try being told at the very last minute, so last minute that you were on stage about to deliver your presentation when you are told do this differently. Needless to say with all the reworkings and distraction we fell apart and we didn't get a chance to recover.
With all that being said EthosU, LLC was dealt a mean blow. We may be down, be we are definitely NOT DEFEATED!!!